WIN! Lady A’s Award Winning Natural Plant Based CBD WORTH £375

WIN! Lady A’s Award Winning Natural Plant Based and premium CBD Broad Spectrum oils.

Stress and sleep are two of the most popular reasons people in the UK decide to try CBD oil.

But why do people use CBD for stress?

Unlike most supplements, which tend to have a fairly single-track mechanism for doing a job, CBD (and in fact, all of the cannabinoids studied so far) are what’s known as pleotropic. This means they have multiple mechanisms which act on a variety of different molecular pathways, to have wide-spread effects.

At Lady A we believe in the healing powers of CBD and natural plant therapeutics. Our range of products can provide the most suitable combination for you and your lifestyle. Our range of products can provide  the most suitable combination for you and your lifestyle.

Feel better, every day.

To enter simply fill in the form below and follow the below instagram

Win Lady A’s Award Winning Natural Plant Based and premium CBD Broad Spectrum oils.

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This offer is open to all UK residents only.
Strictly you must be aged 18 and over
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The winner will be informed via email and will receive our newsletters which you can unsubscribe from at any time.
You are only entered into this competition if you enter your email address via the form as we email the winners
The prize cannot be transferred to a third party nor can it be redeemed for a cash
We observe the right to withdraw this offer if needed
Booking dates are subject to availability
Country and value of price may be changed
Closing date December 18th 2022


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