Tips to encourage mindfulness in your family home

Tips to encourage mindfulness in your family home

Living together as a family has its challenges at times, particularly during periods of lockdown.  Often this leads to arguments and disagreements taking place.   Here are some easy tips that the whole family can follow to create a more peaceful home.

  • Take your time when doing activities as a family and don’t just rush to complete it as this can result in disagreements and arguments. It is better to enjoy spending quality time together.
  • Make activities around the home fun, e.g. when it comes to changing the duvet cover, try playing ghosts inside the cover. I am sure many of us have experiences of doing this as a child and still laugh about it now.
  • Think outside the box and don’t just do the same activities all the time. Try different things instead so that there is excitement and enjoyment for all.
  • Don’t worry about things being perfect as enjoyment is more important. I am sure we have all have times when things have gone perfect and we laughed about them or enjoyed them even more.
  • Maintain open communication but appreciate when others need to be left alone in peace and quiet
  • If you find that your patience is being tried during family activities try deep breathing to make yourself feel calm. Remember that if you lose your patience this will have an impact on the whole family.



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